
and conflicts

Zoï Books are produced for the United Nations, the European Union, regions, countries and a growing community of readers world-wide. We closely cooperate with GRID-Arendal in providing environmental information for decision-making.
Our digital library is available here.
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The publication “Environmental Assessment and Recovery Priorities for Eastern Ukraine” incorporates existing information from various sources on impact and threats to the environment posed by a conflict in Eastern Ukraine. The publication highlights the main results of studies on soils, surface waters, risks from industrial enterprises and flooding of mines, and analyzes the issues of influence on the condition of forest resources, protected areas and biodiversity.
The adaptation strategy for Belarus agriculture, prepared under the EU-funded Clima East project, is based on multi-stakeholder consultations in Minsk and several focussed studies. Zoi contributed to the content of the strategy as well as to one of the studies, for which the maps of changing argo-climatic zones have been made.
Zoï and the Toxic Remnants of War Project have published an update of the environmental situation in war-torn eastern Ukraine. These three maps show the latest environment-related developments in Donbas, including fresh attempts to carve environmental policy on both sides of the line of contact.
Recent damage to industries and territories: English Ukrainian
In a project implemented for EU DG Clima, Zoï has analysed climate policies in Central Asia, Eastern Europe and South Caucasus, summarised in a series of climate scorecards per each country.
Sample deliverables: pdf ebook
Armenia scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook | ||
Azerbaijan scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook | ||
Belarus scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook | ||
Georgia scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook | ||
Kazakhstan scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook | ||
Kyrgyzstan scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook | ||
Moldova scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook | ||
Russia scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook | ||
Tajikistan scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook | ||
Turkmenistan scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook | ||
Ukraine scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook | ||
Uzbekistan scorecard: | ENG | ebook | |
RUS | ebook |
The Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Neman River Basin has been developed in the course of implementation of the International Project “River Basin Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Neman River Basin”. The main goal of the Project is to improve the integrated management of water resources using the basin approach in the climate change context, on the example of the Neman River.
PDF: English Lithuanian Russian
Ebook: Russian Lithuanian
Belarus is one of the most important transit countries for gas and oil as it offers the shortest route between the Russian gas and oil fields and the main Western European markets. Most of the country’s pipeline system was built in the mid-to-late 1960s and now faces widespread technical renovation. The environmental safety of pipelines crossing Belarus has been an issue for the country’s environmental authorities, the civil society and the neighbouring states.
Within the framework of Environmental and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) the international project, “Environmental Safety of Oil and Gas Pipelines in Belarus”, has been implemented by Zoï Environment Network on behalf of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
The Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dniester River Basin is the result of joint efforts by international experts and organizations – the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) – and experts and organizations from Moldova and Ukraine with an interest in the protection and sustainable use of natural resources in the transboundary Dniester River basin under the conditions of a changing global climate. On the basis of research and extensive consultations, the Strategic Framework for Adaptation offers a set of measures, the joint and coordinated implementation of which will make it possible to respond to the coming changes in a timely manner and even to get out ahead of the process.
Implementation plan: ebook PDF ebook Russian PDF Russian
The overall objective of the project is to support the further implementation of SEIS principles and practices in the six Eastern Partnership countries. This project builds on the achievements and results of the previous cooperation activities under the ENPI-SEIS1 project (implemented over the 2010-2015 period) and aims to further develop the capacities of the relevant authorities in the areas of:
These maps in Russian and Ukrainian display flood risks in the Dniester river delta and around Mohyliv-Podolskyi.
Dniester river basin (Russian, jpg):
Risk from floods with 1% probability (medium-probability scenario)
Risk from floods with 0.5% probability (low-probability scenario)
Areas affected in case of a catastrophic flood
Mohyliv-Podilskyi (Ukrainian, jpg):
Russian-language maps created for the project "Environment and security in Belarus" – assessing and monitoring floods in the Pripyat river basin.
Risk maps (jpg):
Probable damage maps (pdf):
Two posters in Russian which describe climate change and its impacts in Belarus.
These Safety Guidelines and Good Industry Practices for Oil Terminals are designed to prevent incidents at oil terminal facilities and to limit the consequences for human health and the environment should they occur. They are based extensively on accepted and published good practice procedures to ensure conformity with international standards.
The safety guidelines and good practices, as presented in this publication, were endorsed by the Conference of the Parties to the Industrial Accidents Convention and by the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention). Both bodies encouraged Parties and other ECE member States to disseminate the guidelines for use by the appropriate authorities. The guidelines have been reissued in 2014 to update the references and provide a basis for their application throughout the region, following their review by the Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents. Authorities, pipeline operators and the public are invited to apply these guidelines and good practices, which are intended to contribute to limiting the number of pipeline accidents and the severity of their consequences for human health and the environment.
What can ordinary people do for the environment? This is a short video explaining the concept of 'green economy’ to the broad public in Belarus, in Belarusian with English subtitles. Prepared in Minsk through the 'Ecoproject Partnership’ NGO, Zoï’s partner in the media and awareness component of the Environment and Security initiative’s project in Belarus. The video was launched at the National Environmental Forum in Minsk on 20 May 2015.
Over the last four years, the European Union has been engaging the countries of the Eastern Partnership - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine – in regional cooperation with the aim to improve national capacities for managing and sharing environmental data and information. The Synthesis Report, available in English and Russian, presents the outcomes of this cooperation, implemented in the framework of the project ‘Towards a Shared Environmental Information System in the European Neighbourhood’, funded by the European Commission and implemented by the European Environment Agency with the assistance of Zoi Environment Network.
Produced by Zoï Environment Network for the Dniester river basin, these leaflets describe how people should act when a flood comes.
pdf English pdf Romanian pdf Ukrainian
ebook Romanian ebook Ukrainian
This snapshot assessment of environmental damage to the Donbas region in Eastern Ukraine, plagued throughout much of 2014 with fighting that still continues, was prepared through cooperation between Zoï Environment Network and the Kyiv-based East Ukraine Environment Institute. To assess the situation and compile the map, the experts used the best available information from governmental and other sources and media reports, as well as their own data, judgements and direct interviews with the affected enterprises and areas. As new data are being collected, this remains work in progress.
A zoï article on the subject is available on the Sustainable Security website (link) and on the Ecologist website (link).
Maps, photographs, general and practical information - this Russian-language guide to Crimea’s natural protected areas, written with Zoï input and published at the beginning of 2014, presents the nature of different parts of the peninsula as well as practical information on how wondering individuals and tourist groups can access and enzoi them.
This report presents achievements of the ENVSEC (UNECE/OSCE/UNEP) project “Transboundary Co-operation and Sustainable Management in the Dniester River Basin: Phase III – Implementation of the Action Programme”. The activities were focused on developing and signing the Dniester River Basin Treaty between Moldova and Ukraine, transboundary water monitoring, fish fauna conservation, information sharing on the basin level, public awareness, and reducing vulnerability to extreme floods and climate change. The publication also provides recommendations for further activities in the Dniester river basin.
The goal of the “Reducing vulnerability to extreme floods and climate change in the Dniester river basin” project is to reduce the risks of possible consequences of climate change, identify the most vulnerable areas in the Dniester river basin and improve adaptation capacity in Ukraine and Moldova. This study in particular is aimed at analyzing and discussing the capacity for information exchange on flood risks and timely warnings to the population.
The Environmental Atlas of the Dniester Basin is the first attempt to present the environmental state of the transboundary river in a visual format which includes over 30 thematic maps of the basin, graphics, diagrams and pictures. The target groups for the Atlas are specialists in environmental protection, as well as the authorities and the population in the Dniester basin.
The Atlas is further supported by the Dniester river basin geo-information system, designed to facilitate strategic and operational decisions in the basin including those related to implementing the New Dniester Basin Treaty signed by Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova in Rome on 29 November 2012.
The ‘SEIS cookbook’ is a guide to understanding the concept of Shared Environmental Information System. The bulk of the cookbook is devoted to case studies which show national and international implementation of SEIS elements, including at the EEA. These examples are collectively used to identify an emerging set of common trends, methods, tools and lessons which have been integrated into the ‘SEIS checklist’. The checklist can be used as a self-assessment tool to measure progress and identify areas that need further development.
This map by Zoï environment network is a contribution to an international effort to support Ukraine and Moldova in jointly managing their shared Dniester river. Besides being used in numerous reports and publications, the map is also 'carved in stone' on nearly fifty information boards mounted along the Dniester river from its source to the mouth. Hopefully this will help people of the basin better understand and appreciate their common heritage, thus in the end turning environmental information into action.
The Second Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters is the most comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the status of transboundary waters in the European and Asian parts of the UNECE region. It covers more than 140 transboundary rivers, 25 transboundary lakes and about 200 transboundary groundwaters. It has been prepared upon request by the Sixth “Environment for Europe” Ministerial Conference as an input for the Seventh Ministerial Conference in Astana in September 2011.
The publication prepared by Zoi in cooperation with GRID-Arendal and the Environment and Security initiative explores the impacts of climate change on Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. The three countries of Eastern Europe will not be affected as strongly as many other parts of Eurasia, yet they will see more of severe floods and forest fires, decreasing water reserves in the south, and gradual changes in biodiversity, agriculture and food security. The countries have only started to address these challenges: national policies remain week and the general public is hardly aware of the problem. Meanwhile the industrialized Eastern Europe contributes to the global emissions of greenhouse gases, thus affecting more vulnerable parts of the world. The report was launched at the 7th Ministerial conference "Environment for Europe" in Astana in September 2011.
Collection of articles and photographs from the Press-tour on Dniester River. The training was organised by Zoï, in July 2011, under the Environment and Security initiative (ENVSEC).
Special issue - Versii newspaper (Chernivtsi, Ukraine)
Newspaper article in Wochenzeitung (German) - Russian - English
Alex Kirby's broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 27th October 2011
Audio mp3 file
Broadcast transcription
Photos collection
IHPA- POPs Newsletter
This report was produced within the framework of Assessment and Capacity-Building for Managing Environment and Security Risks in Donbas and Salihorsk regions, a UNEP-led ENVSEC project implemented in Ukraine and Belarus to address environmental risk from hazardous activities, and improve environmental management and awareness. Project activities included technical assessments, training and analysis of mining sites, but also workshops and training sessions for journalists to build up their communication skills on environmental topics relevant to their region. This publication presents the findings and results of both parts of the project.
Zoï helps the EMPIS-SEIS (European Neighborhood Policy Instrument - Shared Environmental Information Systems) National Focal Points prepare the Country Reports and associated action lists. These assessment reports describe the existing institutional cooperation in the partner countries in the field of water resources, atmospheric air, soil and biodiversity protection and waste management, assesses current environmental inter-institutional cooperation in these priority fields and identifies the country's capacity for taking SEIS implementation forward.
Action Programme to Improve Transboundary Cooperation and Sustainable Management of the Dniester River Basin (Dniester - III)
Russian e-book Russian e-book English
The maps are JPG images in Russian ( large files):
topography of the basin
areas affected by floods with probability 0.5% - 1% - 10% - 25%
infrastructure in the basin
infrastructure at risk from floods with probability 0.5% - 1% - 10% - 25%
State of the Environment in Donetsk region, Ukraine, Reports.
Monograph on water management on the upper Pripyat river between Belarus and Ukraine, prepared by the project team to present project results to the professional audience (Russian).
Mapping flood risks in the Styr-Prostyr basin part of the upper Pripyat basin
This publication highlights the importance of recognising the region’s geopolitical positioning between the EU and the Russian Federation, improving energy security without jeopardising the environment, addressing the Transnistrian conflict in Moldova and strengthening cooperation over shared rivers and ecosystems.