
zoï@autumn 2017

E-course on Management of Mercury Waste

This course, aimed at government officials and practitioners dealing with mercury waste issues worldwide, offers guidance for understand better how to manage mercury wastes in an environmentally sound manner, as stipulated by the Minamata Convention and the Basel Convention. It is structured around six main modules, and will take approximately four hours to complete, not counting further reading. After completing all the units you may attempt a final quiz and obtain a certificate of completion.

The course has been developed by the International Environmental Technology Centre of UN Environment, in collaboration with Zoï.

Take the course


Global Mercury Waste Assessment

The Global Mercury Waste Assessment (ebook, pdf) describes the current mercury waste management practices in selected countries around the world. The data relating to mercury waste, such as inventories, thresholds and mercury concentrations in municipal and hazardous wastes, were limited or did not exist, and the amount of mercury in waste at the global level remains unclear. One important finding, however, is clear: the gap between the provisions of the Minamata Convention on Mercury and the current mercury waste management practices is wide.


The assessment has been developed by UN Environment with support from Zoï.


Global Mercury: Supply, Trade and Demand, 2017

A response by the world’s nations to the abundant evidence of the negative effects of mercury pollution on human health and the environment, the Minamata Convention on Mercury entered into force on 16 August 2017. The Convention includes provisions to control the supply, trade and use of mercury. This report provides an overview of the current state of these activities in order to assist governments and other stakeholders as the Convention moves into the implementation phase. The most important findings and observations are summarized here (ebook, pdf).


zoï@summer 2017

Climate Change and Security
Zoï has supported the OSCE-led assessment under the Environment and Security (ENVSEC) initiative.The goal is to identify and explain how climate change may exacerbate threats to security, and to propose effective measures in response for Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus. 
The synthesis report (English, Russian) provides a regional overview, the detailed assessments of Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus provide more in-depth analysis.


SDC SECO Effectiveness Report on Employment

The report was launched at the SDC Annual Conference in Lausanne on June 23. Zoï has produced the public report (English, French, German), an executive brochure (English), a short animated movie and three storytelling films (on our Vimeo channel).





Metromaps: Water Connects!

Maps of Central Asia and Switzerland-Europe produced for the high-level conference “Blue Peace Central Asia: Dialogue for 2030 - Water Security and Inclusive Growth” organized by Switzerland in Astana on June 19, 2017.

Event link



River System in Central Asia (English / Russian)

Switzerland and the European River System (English / Russian)


zoï@spring 2017

Sustainable Land Management

Zoï has produced a short film and an executive brochure (pdf, ebook) to explain the Global Database on Sustainable Land Management under WOCAT and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.


Climate Change Adaptation in the Dniester Basin

On the 23rd of March Zoï participated in the 13th Meeting of the Moldo-Ukrainian Working group on flood management and climate change adaptation, which is also the concluding meeting of the ENVSEC project "Climate change and security in the Dniester river basin". Among other things, Zoi presents the Implementation plan for the Strategic framework for adaptation to climate change in the Dniester basin. In advance of the meeting the Zoï-authored Strategic framework for adaptation has become available in Moldovan / Romanian (link) in addition to earlier released editions in Russian, English and Ukrainian languages.


Mapping Adaptation to Climate Change in Belarus

At the request of the EU Clima East project, Zoï is supporting the adaptation of Belarus to a changing climate. A series of maps is produced in cooperation with Belarussian researchers, showing how the borders of agro-climatic regions have shifted since the 1970s and will continue to shift in the future. The maps (English / Russian) contribute to the development and communication of adaptation priorities and strategies for Belarus agriculture.



War and Environment in Ukraine

Zoï and the Toxic Remnants of War Project have published an update of the environmental situation in war-torn eastern Ukraine. Through new analysis and maps the blog summarises the latest environment-related developments in Donbas, including fresh attempts to carve environmental policy on both sides of the line of contact. Based on the blog, a story has been published online in Washington Post.


Environmental cooperation and sustainability in Belarus

2014-2016 Zoï support to the Environment and Security initiative

A newly launched website presents the key results of three years of an environmental cooperation programme implemented in Belarus between July 2014 and December 2016 by Zoï in collaboration with Belarusian partners. Use this interactive map to discover the highlights of the challenging, highly interesting and rewarding multi-stakeholder collaboration!


Mountains of Central Asia

Zoï is leading the Ecosystem Profile process for the Mountains of Central Asia, funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). The Ecosystem Profile, to be launched in May 2017, will be the base for future grant-making to civil society groups working in the region.



Climate Policy in Central Asia, South Caucasus and Eastern Europe

During 2014-2016 Zoi provided support to EU DG Clima in analysing the climate policies of the region. A summary document presents the key outputs of this collaboration.

New country scorecards are available for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Russian Federation, and for a non-specialist audience we have developed a cartoon summary ‘Addressing climate change - EU and Central Asia’. Updated scorecards for countries of Central Asia are also available on our Publications page, as well as on Zoï ISSUU.


Drones in Humanitarian Action

Drones have become functional, user friendly and cheap enough, to significantly help in humanitarian crises. That is one of the key findings of the research initiative “Drones in Humanitarian Action”, which examines different uses of drones for humanitarian operations. It was presented by the Swiss Foundation for Mine Action (FSD), in partnership with CartONG, UAViators and Zoi Environment Network during the EU Humanitarian Aid Annual Partners’ Conference in Brussels. The corresponding report, produced by Zoï, is available as an ebook and in PDF format, while a video can be viewed above or on Vimeo.

Executive summary (PDF)

Press release (PDF)


zoï@january 2017

Atlas of Environmental Migration (now in English and French)

Zoï conceptual infographics are featured in the ‘Atlas of Environmental Migration’, the first and only illustrated book that maps environmental migration, clarifies terminology and concepts, draws a typology of migration related to the environment and climate change, describes the multiple factors at play, explains the challenges, and highlights the opportunities related to this phenomenon.
The English version of the atlas is available here:
The French version, produced by the IOM and SciencesPo, is available here:
Some of the key graphics in English  can be found on the IOM website:


zoï@december 2016

Mountains of Central Asia

Zoï is leading the Ecosystem Profile process for the Mountains of Central Asia, funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). The Ecosystem Profile, to be launched in May 2017, will be the base for future grant-making to civil society groups working in the region.
Regional consultations are held in Almaty, Kazakhstan on December 12.

Key biodiversity areas, version 1.0 для комментариев / Ключевые районы биоразнообразия, версия 1.0 для комментариев

Protected areas / сеть ООПТ     

Land use / землепользование    

Topography / рельеф местности

Table annexes to the report:     
Ecosystem Profile cartoons:     English
Flyer:     English     Russian     Chinese     Dari
CSO questionnaire:     English     Russian     Chinese     Dari


Online map of key biodiversity areas


Climate Change November: The Paris agreement has entered into force on November 4 and COP22 is taking place in Marrakesh, Morocco November 7-18
Climate Policy in Central Asia, South Caucasus and Eastern Europe
New country scorecards are available for Ukraine and the Russian Federation, and for a non-specialist audience we have developed a cartoon summary ‘Addressing climate change - EU and Central Asia’.
Ukraine scorecard:
PDF:     English     Russian
Ebook:     English     Russian   
Russia scorecard:
PDF:     English
Ebook:     English
Updated scorecards for countries of Central Asia are available on our Publications page, as well as on Zoï ISSUU.
Palestinian side event at COP Marrakesh on Friday, 18. November

Shedding light on exceptional achievements done by State of Palestine in the period between accession to convention on 17 March 2016 and COP22 on different fronts. Adaptation, Mitigation, NDC, signing and ratifying the Paris agreement - and, in addition, outlining the ambitious future plans.
Belarus climate videos

3 short films on climate change for public broadcasting in Belarus. These have been developed by Zoï as awareness material in partnership with a local non-profit organisation Ecopartnership and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of Belarus, in the framework of ENVSEC cooperation on climate change issues in Belarus.

 Video 1     Video 2     Video 3
Atlas of Environmental Migration (now in English and French)
Zoï conceptual infographics are featured in the ‘Atlas of Environmental Migration’, the first and only illustrated book that maps environmental migration, clarifies terminology and concepts, draws a typology of migration related to the environment and climate change, describes the multiple factors at play, explains the challenges, and highlights the opportunities related to this phenomenon.
The English version of the atlas is available here:
The French version, produced by the IOM and SciencesPo, is available here:
Some of the key graphics in English  can be found on the IOM website:
Mountains of Central Asia
Zoï is leading the Ecosystem Profile process for the Mountains of Central Asia, funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). The Ecosystem Profile, to be launched in May 2017, will be the base for future grant-making to civil society groups working in the region.
Flyer:     English     Russian     Chinese     Dari
CSO questionnaire:     English     Russian     Chinese     Dari

A draft report will be available for public consultation and review on 15-20 November.


zoï@october 2016

Mountains of Central Asia
Zoï is leading the Ecosystem Profile process for the Mountains of Central Asia, funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). The Ecosystem Profile, to be launched in May 2017, will be the base for future grant-making to civil society groups working in the region.
Flyer:     English     Russian     Chinese     Dari
CSO questionnaire:     English     Russian     Chinese     Dari


Atlas of Environmental Migration (now in English and French)
Zoï conceptual infographics are featured in the ‘Atlas of Environmental Migration’, the first and only illustrated book that maps environmental migration, clarifies terminology and concepts, draws a typology of migration related to the environment and climate change, describes the multiple factors at play, explains the challenges, and highlights the opportunities related to this phenomenon.
The English version of the atlas is available here:
The French version, produced by the IOM and SciencesPo, is available here:
Some of the key graphics in English  can be found on the IOM website:

Water Nexus

Zoï is continuing to support the UNECE in visualizing the activities of the water - food - energy - environment nexus. A daunting task contributing to better cooperation and integrated planning of the various sectors across national boundaries. The map is from the Soča Isonyo basin, shared between Slovenia and Italy.





Mercury Trade
Zoï is cooperating with the UNEP on a new assessment of global mercury supply, trade and demand. This will allow to update the 2006 assessment, before the EU and the US banned mercury trade. The new map - to be launched at the first COP of the Minamata convention, tentatively in the second half of 2017 - is expected to look quite different from the one we produced in 2011.



Annual Report 2015

The Zoï Annual Report 2015 is now available (pdf, ebook). A concise and visual synthesis of our activities, people and results.


Adapting to Climate Change in the Dniester River Basin
The Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dniester River Basin is the result of joint efforts by international experts and organizations – the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) – and experts and organizations from Moldova and Ukraine with an interest in the protection and sustainable use of natural resources in the transboundary Dniester River basin under the conditions of a changing global climate. The Framework was officially launched in 2015 at the high-level meeting between water and environment officials from Moldova and Ukraine in Kyiv, and in June 2016 the English version was prepared to be distributed at the 8th Environment for Europe ministerial conference in Batumi, Georgia.
Shared Environmental Information System
Implementing the principles and practices of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) in the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) continues with a new phase until 2020 (ENI SEIS II East). Zoi is providing support to the European Environment Agency during the year 2016 for the inception phase of the new project.
Leaflet:    English     Russian

Strategic Environment Assessment 

Zoï has produced an animated movie and a facts and benefits brochure explaining the UNECE’s Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment. Complex contents presented in an easily understandable manner. 

The film is currently available in English ( and in Georgian (, while the brochure can be accessed on ISSUU and on our Publications page.


Case Studies: Mapping Drones in Humanitarian Contexts 

Short case studies featuring deployments by the World Bank, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap, the International Organization for Migration and others document the uses of drones in a variety of humanitarian settings. These cases are part of Drones in Humanitarian Action, an initiative funded by DG ECHO and implemented by the Swiss Foundation for Mine Action in collaboration with CartONG, UAViators, and Zoï Environment Network.

Case study: Haiti

Case study: the Philippines

Case study: the Balkans

Case study: Tanzania

Case study: Nepal





zoï@summer 2016


Environment for Europe Conference in Batumi, Georgia, June 8-11
A Zoï delegation was multitasking at the olympic gathering (taking place every 4 years or so) on the shores of the Black Sea.
Greener, Cleaner, Smarter! Conference reporting is available here:



International negotiations on a legally binding instrument on mercury were held in Jordan in March. The Minamata Convention is expected to enter into force in 2017. Zoï is providing support to UNEP Chemicals by visualizing complex issues, with publications such as “Lessons from Countries Phasing Down Dental Amalgam Use” and the Practical Sourcebook on Mercury Waste Storage and Disposal.


zoï@spring 2016


Mountains of Central Asia
Zoï will leading the Ecosystem Profile process for the Mountains of Central Asia, funded by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). The Ecosystem Profile, to be launched in May 2017, will be the base for future grant-making to civil society groups working in the region. The flyer can be accessed here.

United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi
The 2nd United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA2) will take place in Nairobi May 23-27. Zoï will co-organize a Green Room event on the environmental dimensions of armed conflict on Tuesday, May 24.


Strategic Environment Assessment 

Zoï has produced an animated movie and a facts and benefits brochure explaining the UNECE’s Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment. Complex contents presented in an easily understandable manner. 

The film is currently available in English ( and in Georgian (, while the brochure can be accessed on ISSUU and on our Publications page.


Case Studies: Mapping Drones in Humanitarian Contexts 

Short case studies featuring deployments by the World Bank, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap, the International Organization for Migration and others document the uses of drones in a variety of humanitarian settings. These cases are part of Drones in Humanitarian Action, an initiative funded by DG ECHO and implemented by the Swiss Foundation for Mine Action in collaboration with CartONG, UAViators, and Zoï Environment Network.

Case study: Haiti

Case study: the Philippines

Case study: the Balkans

Case study: Tanzania

Case study: Nepal




International negotiations on a legally binding instrument on mercury were held in Jordan in March. The Minamata Convention is expected to enter into force in 2017. Zoï is providing support to UNEP Chemicals by visualizing complex issues, with publications such as “Lessons from Countries Phasing Down Dental Amalgam Use” and the Practical Sourcebook on Mercury Waste Storage and Disposal.



Atlas of Environmental Migration
Zoï conceptual infographics are featured in the upcoming ‘Atlas of Environmental Migration’, the first and only illustrated book that maps environmental migration, clarifies terminology and concepts, draws a typology of migration related to the environment and climate change, describes the multiple factors at play, explains the challenges, and highlights the opportunities related to this phenomenon. The French version of the atlas, produced by the IOM and SciencesPo, is now available:
The English version will come out in June 2016. Some of the key graphics can be found on the IOM website:



zoï@january 2016

Climate Change, Central Asia and Security


Central Asia regional consultations on the project "Climate Change and Security in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Southern Caucasus" will be held in Bishkek. The event brings together representatives from all Central Asian Republics, International organisations and NGOS. Security implications of climate change in Central Asia will be discussed, as well as geographical and sectorial hotspots and priority measures to address the issues. Zoï is supporting the ENVSEC initiative lead by UNDP and the OSCE.

zoï@december 2015


Central Asia climate
In a project implemented for EU DG Climate, Zoï has analysed the climate policy of the Central Asian countries. The results, including country scorecards, are presented at the COP21 in Paris. 
Conflict and climate change in Palestine
Zoï is supporting the event  ‘Climate Change Planning in Conflict Settings’ organized by the State of Palestine at the COP21 in Paris on December 5.
We will present an updated analysis of Environment and Security linkages in Palestine, focusing on climate change. 
Migration infographics

Zoï conceptual infographics are featured in the upcoming ‘Atlas of Environmental Migration’, the first and only illustrated book that maps environmental migration, clarifies terminology and concepts, draws a typology of migration related to the environment and climate change, describes the multiple factors at play, explains the challenges, and highlights the opportunities related to this phenomenon. The atlas, produced by the IOM, is launched in Paris on the 5th of December, some of the key graphics are already available on the IOM website:
Tajikistan INDC
Tajikistan has submitted its Intended Nationally Detrmined Contribution (INDC) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) ahead of the 2015 Paris Agreement.
The process implemented by the Climate Change Centre has been facilitated by Zoï and UNITAR in a process financed by the Federal office of Environment of Switzerland. The INDC will be presented at the COP21 in Paris, it is accessible here.
Zoï Movies
Our animated movies - about Health, Water, Mercury, Climate Change and Strategic Environment Assessment - are posted on our Vimeo page.


zoï@november 2015


Migration infographics


Zoï conceptual infographics will be featured in the upcoming ‘Atlas of Environmental Migration’, the first and only illustrated book that maps environmental migration, clarifies terminology and concepts, draws a typology of migration related to the environment and climate change, describes the multiple factors at play, explains the challenges, and highlights the opportunities related to this phenomenon. The atlas, produced by the IOM, will be launched later this year, some of the key graphics are already available on the IOM website:

The Environment-Security Nexus in the South Caucasus

This examination of the environment and security nexus in the South Caucasus comes a decade after an initial assessment that raised awareness about the risks of environmental degradation in a region at the brink of economic boom and littered with ethno-territorial conflicts. The aim of this study, which analyzes the 2014-2015 situation, is to reinterpret the environment and security paradigm, and one of the study’s main findings is that despite the fragility of the region, newsocial movements may provide unexpected opportunities for progress.


The State of the Environment in Central Asia


Zoï, in close collaboration with the Regional Environmental Centre of Central Asia, is pleased to release a visual atlas of selected environmental indicators and priorities in Central Asia. The report was developed within the EU-funded FLERMONECA project, and covers air and water quality, biodiversity, mountains and deserts. We are proud that it was produced in the region mainly with locally available data, skills and expertise.
Drones in Humanitarian Action

Zoï is a partner in a project fostering the use of Air Borne Systems in humanitarian crisis. The project lead by FSD (Swiss Foundation for Mine Action) and funded by the EU ECHO.
Mercury Sourcebook
Zoï has made the design and layout of the ‘Practical Sourcebook on Mercury Waste Storage and Disposal’ published by UNEP and ISWA. The sourcebook is intended to enhance the capacity of governments - but also that of industry and of the general public - to store mercury waste and dispose of it in an environmentally sound manner. The publication was launched at ICCM in Geneva on October 2. Zoï is also working on an interactive version of the sourcebook.
Tajik-Afghan Cooperation on Shared Watersheds

Zoï supports a process lead by the UNECE and the OSCE with Facilitation, Assessment and Mapping. Regular consultations taking place in Dushanbe and Kabul, the transboundary atlas is accessible on our website (link).
Zoï Movies
Our animated movies - about Health, Water, Mercury, Climate Change and Strategic Environment Assessment - are posted on our Vimeo page.




zoï@october 2015


Climate Change Plan Tajikistan


Tajikistan has submitted its Intended Nationally Detrmined Contribution (INDC) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) ahead of the 2015 Paris Agreement.
The process implemented by the Climate Change Centre has been facilitated by Zoï and UNITAR in a process financed by the Federal office of Environment of Switzerland. The INDC is accessible here.


zoï@september 2015

Climate Change and Security in Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus


Zoï is contributing analysis, maps and graphics to the assessment under the ENVSEC initiative. Regional consultations will be held in autumn 2015.
Drones in Humanitarian Action

Zoï is a partner in a project fostering the use of Air Borne Systems in humanitarian crisis. The project lead by FSD (Swiss Foundation for Mine Action) and funded by the EU ECHO.
Tajik-Afghan cooperation on shared Watersheds

Zoï supports a process lead by the UNECE and the OSCE with Facilitation, Assessment and Mapping.
Backstopping SDC’s Climate Change & Environment Network

Zoï is a partner in a consortium lead by INFRAS, Zürich, backstopping the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s Network until the end of 2017.
Zoï Movies
Our animated movies - about Health, Water, Mercury, Climate Change - are posted on our flickr pages.







zoï@summer 2015

Climate Policy in Central Asia

On behalf of the EU DG Climate, Zoï analyzes regional climate policy issues and has facilitated meetings in all Central Asian Republics. To convey the messages to a wider audience,climate change cartoons are produced and disseminated.




What to do when high water comes

Households in Ukraine and Moldova will through their civil protection agencies receive Zoï-designed leaflets “What do do when high water comes” as a concrete measure of disaster risk reduction. Ukrainian and Romanian language versions can be found in the Publications section and on our Issuu page.



Tajik-Afghan cooperation

Zoï, UNECE and OSCE are supporting Tajik-Afghan cooperation along the Pyadj and upper Amu Darya basins. The main goals discussed at the meeing in Dushanbe on July 30-31 2015 are:


- Adaptation to climate change

- Management of frequent and severe floods

- A joint action plan for 2015–2017 on hydrology and environment

- Protection of vulnerable ecosystems.


Green Economy in Belarus

What can ordinary people do for the environment? This is a short video explaining the concept of 'green economy’ to the public in Belarus.






Annual Report

The Annual Report for 2014 is now out, available in pdf and ebook format.



zoï@april 2015


Climate Policy in Central Asia

 Starting with Kyrgyzstan in March, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan in April, Zoï will visit all Central Asian countries. This will be done in order to improve knowledge on regional climate policy issues for the EU’s Directorate General for Climate Action (DG Clima).


What to do when high water comes

Households in Ukraine and Moldova will through their civil protection agencies receive Zoï-designed leaflets “What do do when high water comes” as a concrete measure of disaster risk reduction. Ukrainian and Romanian language versions can be found in the Publications section and on our Issuu page.


World Water Forum

The 7th World Water Forum - the largest international water event in the world - was held in Daegu-Gyeongbuk, South Korea, April 12-17. Zoï has produced a short movie featuring the Swiss development cooperation on water, the film was launched at the forum.


War and environment in Ukraine

Zoï has produced an online article on the the environmental impact of the Ukrainian conflict. 

"One year after violent conflict began, information is now emerging on the specific environmental impact of war in Ukraine’s highly industrialised Donbas region. Although obtaining accurate data is difficult, indications are that the conflict has resulted in a number of civilian health risks, and potentially long-term damage to its environment. In order to mitigate these long-term risks, international and domestic agencies will have to find ways to coordinate their efforts on documenting, assessing and addressing the damage."



zoï@march 2015


Climate Policy in Central Asia

Starting with Kyrgyzstan in March, Zoï will visit all Central Asian countries. This will be done in order to improve knowledge on regional climate policy issues for the EU’s Directorate General for Climate Action (DG Clima).


Cooperation with the ECO Secretariat

Zoï will have meetings with the secretariat of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) in Tehran to develop a strategy for forest and climate financing in the ECO region. The forests in this mostly semi-aride climate pose particular challenges with regards to protection, preservation and restoration.


What to do when high water comes

Households in Ukraine and Moldova will through their civil protection agencies receive Zoï-designed leaflets “What do do when high water comes” as a concrete measure of disaster risk reduction. Ukrainian and Romanian language versions can be found in the Publications section and on our Issuu page.


Assessment of Global Megatrends (SOER2015)

On March 2nd, the European Environment Agency published ‘The European environment – state and outlook 2015’ (SOER 2015), a five-year integrated assessment of Europe’s environment. Zoï has assisted the EEA by providing analysis and visualisation of 11 global megatrends - social, economic, political, environmental and technological changes - that are considered of key importance for Europe’s long-term environmental outlook.

The report can be accessed here.


War and environment in Ukraine

This snapshot assessment of environmental damage to the Donbas region in Eastern Ukraine, plagued throughout much of 2014 with fighting that still continues, was prepared through cooperation between Zoï Environment Network and the Kyiv-based East Ukraine Environment Institute. To assess the situation and compile the map, the experts used the best available information from governmental and other sources and media reports, as well as their own data, judgements and direct interviews with the affected enterprises and areas. As new data are being collected, this remains work in progress.



Our animated movies can be viewed on our vimeo site.



zoï@winter 2015

War and environment in Ukraine

This snapshot assessment of environmental damage to the Donbas region in Eastern Ukraine, plagued throughout much of 2014 with fighting that still continues, was prepared through cooperation between Zoï Environment Network and the Kyiv-based East Ukraine Environment Institute. To assess the situation and compile the map, the experts used the best available information from governmental and other sources and media reports, as well as their own data, judgements and direct interviews with the affected enterprises and areas. As new data are being collected, this remains work in progress.


Climate change - Geneva talks

On their road to Paris (COP 21 in December) the climate negotiators make a stopover in Geneva on February 9-13. 
This is another opportunity to feature our animated film ‘Integrated climate risk management for a resilient world’.


Mines and Money

How about sustainability? Zoï was present at the London conference in early December looking for inspiration from miners and investors, and also promoting our ‘better mining’ activities. The brochure linked to the event can be found here or in the Publications section of our website.


What to do when high water comes

Households in Ukraine and Moldova will through their civil protection agencies receive Zoï-designed leaflets “What do do when high water comes” as a concrete measure of disaster risk reduction.



Cooperation with the ECO

Zoï is cooperating with the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) in developing a strategy for climate financing in the ECO region. The region member states of ECO are shown on the Zoï map.


zoï@november 2014

Mercury action

While the international negotiations on the Minamata convention on Mercury continue with the INC6 in Bangkok in November 2014, Zoï in cooperation with UNEP and the environmental authorities of Kyrgyzstan remain engaged into addressing environmental issues related to the last exporting mercury mine of the world located in Khaidarkan, Kyrgyzstan.


Visual Climate Change

With IPCC's fifth assessment (AR5) now out in the public, Zoï is also updating some maps and graphics, such as the synthesis map for Africa.




Climate Change and Swiss Development Cooperation.

What are the results of Swiss climate change cooperation over the past 12 years, and how efficient have Swiss climate projects been? Zoï was tasked, together with its partners Gaia Consulting Oy and Creatura Ltd, to assess the effectiveness of Switzerland’s international cooperation in climate change and reviewed more than 500 projects by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs. The focus of Zoï’s work was to distil the key findings of the assessment into a report for policy-makers and a short animated film for a larger public. The report was launched at the SDC/SECO Annual conference in Geneva on August 29, 2014.


Crimea and Eastern Ukraine

Although they were published several years ago, the Zoï reports 'Taking Land' and 'Coalland' remain of interest today. As a matter of fact they give a solid background analysis of environment and security issues in the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.


"Taking Land" pdf

"Coalland" pdf



zoï@september 2014

Caucasus Environment and Security revisited

Ten years after the report on Environment and Security in the South Caucasus was published by the ENVSEC initiative, Zoï will analyze the situation in the region today in the context of a research assignment by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland. Work on the ground in all three countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - is scheduled for late September.


zoï@summer 2014

Discussing Environment and Security in Belarus

Zoi is starting an assignment for the ENVSEC initiative in Belarus in several environment and security fields. Among these are floods in the Pripyat basin, the environmental safety of oil and gas pipelines, security impacts of climate change, and improving public access to environmental information through authorities and mass media. A kick-off in Geneva will be followed by planning meetings in Minsk in the margins of ENVSEC consultations about links between security, the environment and climate change.


Annual Report 2013

Our annual report 2013, featuring last year's highlights, providing budget transparency and also containing the ever popular zoïstory and cartoons - now available online (pdf) and in print.




Crimea and Eastern Ukraine

Although they were published several years ago, the Zoï reports 'Taking Land' and 'Coalland' remain of interest today. As a matter of fact they give a solid background analysis of environment and security issues in the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.


"Taking Land" pdf

"Coalland" pdf



Mapping Water in Kenya

In cooperation with Forest Trends and the University of Bern, Zoï is engaged in visualizing the ecosystems services of the upper Ewaso Ngiro watershed in Kenya. The maps will be used in a policy dialogue on schemes involving ecosystems services.


zoï@may 2014

Crimea and Eastern Ukraine

Although they were published several years ago, the Zoï reports 'Taking Land' and 'Coalland' remain of interest today. As a matter of fact they give a solid background analysis of environment and security issues in the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.


"Taking Land" pdf

"Coalland" pdf



Annual Report 2013

Our annual report 2013, featuring last year's highlights, providing budget transparency and also containing the ever popular zoïstory and cartoons - now available online (pdf) and in print.





Mapping Water 2014

Maps, graphics, comics: Zoï has compiled a portfolio of maps and infographics produced for the SDC water programme during the last year. A more comprehensive annotated handbook with examples and guidance for practitioneers is planned to be published at the end of this year.

The ebook can be found here.


Mapping Ecosystems Services in Peru

In cooperation with Forest Trends, Zoï is exploring the potential for visualizing ecosystems services in various watersheds in Peru. The maps will be featured at the upcoming Katoomba XX meeting in Peru at the end of April 2014.

zoï@april 2014

Forest Restoration Handbook

Are you working on land-use or conservation policies? Or landscape-level programmes? Perhaps you are involved in the forest, agriculture or energy sector? Are you interested in exploring the potential for restoration and carbon sequestration in your country? Maybe you have been asked to take part in an FLR assessment? Or maybe you are simply curious to learn more about what this is all about.

Zoï has helped IUCN publish a highly visual methodology handbook '"Assessing forest landscape restoration opportunities at the national level". The goal is producing support for restoration and coming to a common vision of how degraded and deforested landscapes can be transformed into healthy and productive systems.


Supporting cooperation on climate policy 

Over the next three years, Zoi will assist the Directorate-General of Climate Action (DG Clima) of EU in analysing national climate policies in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. Possible entry points for EU’s climate policy and climate dialogue in 12 countries in the EECCA region will be identified. Zoi will use its accumulated climate and environmental intelligence of the eastern region, complemented by further background research, targeted country missions, and frequent dialogue with DG Clima and other EU institutions.

Here is a flyer about the project.


Mapping climate change and security

Zoï is working on maps and diagrams which illustrate the links between climate change and security. The frame is a region-wide study by the ENVSEC initiative. 





Mapping Water 2014

Maps, graphics, comics: Zoï has compiled a portfolio of maps and infographics produced for the SDC water programme during the last year. A more comprehensive annotated handbook with examples and guidance for practitioneers is planned to be published at the end of this year.

The ebook can be found here.



Mapping Ecosystems Services in Peru

In cooperation with Forest Trends, Zoï is exploring the potential for visualizing ecosystems services in various watersheds in Peru. The maps will be featured at the upcoming Katoomba XX meeting in Peru at the end of April 2014.


zoï@march 2014

Discussing waste management

On March 9-12 Zoï takes part in the production meeting for the Global Waste Management Outlook (GWMO) hosted by UNEP in Osaka, Japan. GWMO, a report scheduled for early 2015, will give an authoritative overview and analysis of waste management, as well as recommendations for implementing strategies.

Supporting cooperation on climate policy 

Over the next three years, Zoi will assist the Directorate-General of Climate Action (DG Clima) of EU in analysing national climate policies in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. Possible entry points for EU’s climate policy and climate dialogue in 12 countries in the EECCA region will be identified. Zoi will use its accumulated climate and environmental intelligence of the eastern region, complemented by further background research, targeted country missions, and frequent dialogue with DG Clima and other EU institutions.


Mapping climate change and security

Zoï is working on maps which illustrate the links between climate change and security. The frame is a region-wide study by the ENVSEC initiative. Migration is one of the key themes (this map concerns Central Asia).




Adapting to climate change in river basins

Recently published materials from the Dniester basin are accessible in the "Publications" section of our website.

Zoï also takes part in other activities concerning evironment and security in river basins: in the Neman basin (between Lithuania, Belarus and Russia) and the Chu between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.



Responsible Mining

Zoï Environment Network, GAIA Consulting Oy and the University of Eastern Finland prepared a masterclass on Environmental security, mining and good governance. It was held in Kyrgyzstan at the end of February.






zoï@february 2014

Sports time!

Zoï will follow the Zoich* to the Olympic winter games in Sotchi, Russia.

* Zoich (or ZOIЧ) was a proposed mascot for the XXII Winter Olympics, which took first place in the official online poll to select a mascot for the 2014 Sochi games. Despite being a popular Internet character, it was removed from the lineup, possibly due to its low marketability as a pleasing mascot (source: Wikipedia).

Mapping climate change and security

Zoï is working on maps which illustrate the links between climate change and security. The frame is a region-wide study by the ENVSEC initiative. Migration is one of the key themes (this map concerns Central Asia).



Adapting to climate change in river basins

Recently published materials from the Dniester basin are accessible in the "Publications" section of our website. Zoï also takes part in other activities concerning evironment and security in river basins: in the Neman basin (between Lithuania, Belarus and Russia) and the Chu between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.



Responsible Mining

Zoï Environment Network, GAIA Consulting Oy and the University of Eastern Finland prepare a masterclass on Environmental security, mining and good governance. It will be held in Kyrgyzstan at the end of February.



zoï@january 2014

Climate Change and Security in Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia

Zoï and GRID-Arendal are supporting the ENVSEC initiative with assessments as inputs to regional consultations taking place in the regions. The assessments will be launched later in summer 2014.




Responsible Mining

Zoï Environment Network, GAIA Consulting Oy and the University of Eastern Finland prepare a masterclass on Environmental security, mining and good governance to be held in Kyrgyzstan at the end of February.




Water • Land • Energy Nexus

Zoï is finding ways to visualize the connections between water, agriculture and energy to find sustainable solutions in transboundary watersheds.






Zoï is a contributor to the Global Waste Management Outlook Report (GWMO) bythe United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP). The report is expected to synthesize the global challenges, trends and policies related to waste prevention, minimization and management. It will be launched in early 2015.


zoï@december 2013


Washington DC, December 9

The handbook for 'Assessing national potential for forest landscape restoration' is launched by IUCN, WRI and PROFOR. Zoï has helped make the handbook very visual and user-friendly.


 Tbilisi, Georgia, December 2-5

Zoï facilitates national and regional meetings on the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) for the European Environment Agency (EEA). The main aim of the project is to gradually improve environmental monitoring, data and information sharing in the European neighbourhood (non-EU member countries).

Collage by Nina Joerchjan


zoï@november 2013

 Brussels, November 6

 Environment and Security Partners meeting feature some of Zoï activities, maps and graphics generated during the 10 years of the ENVSEC initiative's existence.



 Geneva, November 5-8

 Zoï takes part in the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring (WGEMA).




Warsaw, Poland, November 11-22

Zoï is present at the Climate Change COP19.








Everyday situations from the life of Zoï are available in Cartoon format, some of them were published in the 2013 annual report.

Talking about COP19, 'Side-Event' seems to be an appropriate illustration.



zoï@october 2013

Astana, Kazakhstan and Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, September 26 - October 4

Zoï staff work in Central Asia for the EU's FLERMONECA project (Forest and Biodiversity Governance Including Environmental Monitoring), the UNEP GEF project addressing primary mercury mining in Khaidarkan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Finland-supported project on environmental security, mining and good governance.

(Photo by GIZ)

Minamata, Japan, October 7-11

The Global Convention on Mercury is being adopted. Zoï and GRID-Arendal have produced ‘Mercury: Time to Act’ and we are engaged in transforming the 'last exporting mercury mine on earth' in Khaidarkan, Kyrgyzstan.



Geneva, October 22-25

The "Environment for Europe" process gets into gear at the session of the Committee on Environmental Policy (CEP). The meeting will - among other items - discuss the next Pan-European Ministerial Conference. The photo shows Zoï in action at the last one in Astana, Kazakhstan in 2011.


zoï@september 2013

Bern, Switzerland, September 26-27

Zoï is supporting the Swiss Water Diplomacy with maps and graphics.

Bern, Switzerland, September 13

Zoï will hold a ‘Master Class’ in ‘Mapping Water’ to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Relevant maps and graphics can be found here.


Copenhagen, Denmark, September 17-18

Within the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) initiative of the European Environment Agency (EEA), Zoï will provide facilitation, training and support to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. SEIS cookbook


Geneva, Switzerland, September 20

Zoï and GRID-Arendal support the Climate Change and Security project under the ENVSEC initiative with assessments in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia 
(zoï publications for the Balkans, the South Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern


zoï@august 2013

In close cooperation with UNEP and the ENVSEC initiative, Zoï has compiled a highly visual report "A short introduction to environmental remediation for mining legacies: case studies from ENVSEC work in South East Europe" summarizing the innovative work the Environment and Security (ENVSEC) initiative has conducted in the Balkans during the last 5 years.

"Mercury and other Toxic Chemicals and Waste - A Cartoon Summary" aims to improve public awareness about mercury environment and health risks, catalyse remedial actions and promote responsible approaches to waste and chemicals management.

Research article published in The Scientific World Journal - Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability at the Local Level: A Case Study on the Dniester River Basin (Moldova)

Geneva, Waste and Chemicals Central Asia was launched at the Conference of the Parties of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.

In conjunction with the UNECE Afghanistan-Tajikistan environment and hydrology cooperation project, Zoï produced a Visual Atlas of Cooperation launched at the bilateral Afghan-Tajik meeting in Dushanbe, 25-28 March 2013. The atlas presents in maps, graphics, photographs and text a wide array of information on the Amu Darya River basin, and covers such issues as people and the economy, climate change, biodiversity, natural disasters and land and water use. As Tajikistan prepares to host the celebration of the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation, the atlas confirms the value of transboundary cooperation for the management and protection of the vast resources of the Amu Darya basin.

zoï@june 2013

Research article published in The Scientific World Journal - Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability at the Local Level: A Case Study on the Dniester River Basin (Moldova)

Geneva, Waste and Chemicals Central Asia was launched at the Conference of the Parties of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.

In conjunction with the UNECE Afghanistan-Tajikistan environment and hydrology cooperation project, Zoï produced a Visual Atlas of Cooperation launched at the bilateral Afghan-Tajik meeting in Dushanbe, 25-28 March 2013. The atlas presents in maps, graphics, photographs and text a wide array of information on the Amu Darya River basin, and covers such issues as people and the economy, climate change, biodiversity, natural disasters and land and water use. As Tajikistan prepares to host the celebration of the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation, the atlas confirms the value of transboundary cooperation for the management and protection of the vast resources of the Amu Darya basin.

Zoï has produced a brochure on the Environmental Crimes worldwide. Zoï's brochure gives an overview of the situation, identifies some of the most important points and suggests ways to fight against this global threat.

zoï@may 2013

Research article published in The Scientific World Journal - Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability at the Local Level: A Case Study on the Dniester River Basin (Moldova)

Geneva, May 1. Waste and Chemicals Central Asia was launched at the Conference of the Parties of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.

In conjunction with the UNECE Afghanistan-Tajikistan environment and hydrology cooperation project, Zoï produced a Visual Atlas of Cooperation launched at the bilateral Afghan-Tajik meeting in Dushanbe, 25-28 March 2013. The atlas presents in maps, graphics, photographs and text a wide array of information on the Amu Darya River basin, and covers such issues as people and the economy, climate change, biodiversity, natural disasters and land and water use. As Tajikistan prepares to host the celebration of the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation, the atlas confirms the value of transboundary cooperation for the management and protection of the vast resources of the Amu Darya basin.

Zoï has produced a brochure on the Environmental Crimes worldwide. Zoï's brochure gives an overview of the situation, identifies some of the most important points and suggests ways to fight against this global threat.

zoï@march-april 2013

The UNECE Afghanistan-Tajikistan environment and hydrology cooperation project will celebrate Nowruz -- an ancestral festivity marking the first day of spring and the renewal of nature -- on 21 March, and World Water Day on 22 March 2013. In conjunction with this project, Zoï produced a Visual Atlas of Cooperation to be launched at the bilateral Afghan-Tajik meeting in Dushanbe, 25-28 March 2013. The atlas presents in maps, graphics, photographs and text a wide array of information on the Amu Darya River basin, and covers such issues as people and the economy, climate change, biodiversity, natural disasters and land and water use. As Tajikistan prepares to host the celebration of the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation, the atlas confirms the value of transboundary cooperation for the management and protection of the vast resources of the Amu Darya basin.

Word Water Day Zoï continues to be engaged in 'Mapping water', e.g. in providing graphical support to IUCN and IWA in the "Nexus Dialogue on Water Infrastructure Solutions" visualizing interactions between water, energy and food.

Zoï has produced a brochure on the Environmental Crimes worldwide. Zoï's brochure gives an overview of the situation, identifies some of the most important points and suggests ways to fight against this global threat.

In the form of cartoons, also as a sort of auto-psychotherapy, we try to express some of our everyday grievances in a hopefully funny and inoffensive way in the latest Zoï's Annual Report.

Ramallah, March 13, Launch of the Zoï report "Environment & Security in the Occupied Palestinian Territory" by the Minister of Environment of Palestine. This report reveals in a striking manner the linkages between environment and security in the occupied Palestinian territory. The message is clear: Environmental degradation in Palestine only increases the security risks. Solutions are complex and highly depend on fair and flexible accords between Palestine and Israel, eventually Palestinian independence giving full sovereignty over environmental resources. The authors Mohammad Hassouna and Zoe Sinclair were supported by the Zoï communications team of Carolyne Daniel, Matthias Beilstein and Yann Demont combining up-to-date maps and graphics with photography and artwork.

The report Mercury: Time To Act is the most comprehensive assessment of global Mercury emissions and speaks directly to governments involved in the development of the global treaty on mercury. It presents updates from the UNEP Global Mercury Assessment 2013 in short and punchy facts and figures backed by compelling graphics, that provide governments and civil society with the rationale and the imperative to act on this notorious pollutant.

zoï@february 2013

The report Mercury: Time To Act is the most comprehensive assessment ever of global Mercury emissions and has been released ahead of final negotiations on new Mercury Treaty - Binding Treaty.

Zoï is providing graphical support to IUCN and IWA in the "Nexus Dialogue on Water Infrastructure Solutions" visualizing interactions between water, energy and food.

28-29 January / Dushanbe /Tajikistan. On behalf of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, Zoi participated in the OSCE meeting on water cooperation between Tajikistan and Afghanistan. This gave us good opportunities to meet counterparts from both countries, discuss and prepare for a week-long exchange of experience on hydrological monitoring and protection of the environment in the Pyandj river basin that we will organise in Dushanbe in March 2013. Also with UNECE and Zoi support, the first meeting of the corresponding Afghan-Tajik working group for cooperation on the Pyandj will take place back-to-back.

Geneva / Ramallah / Gaza. A new Zoï report reveals in a striking manner the linkages between environment and security in the occupied Palestinian territory. The message is clear: Environmental degradation in Palestine only increases the security risks. Solutions are complex and highly depend on fair and flexible accords between Palestine and Israel, eventually Palestinian independence giving full sovereignty over environmental resources. The authors Mohammad Hassouna and Zoe Sinclair were supported by the Zoï style=nbsp;; communications team of Carolyne Daniel, Matthias Beilstein and Yann Demont combining up-to-date maps and graphics with photography and artwork. The report will be launched in Palestine in early 2013.

The first ever Dniester river basin - Environmental Atlas has been published by Zoï and Grid Arendal. 

zoï@january 2013

Nairobi/Geneva, January 10, The report Mercury: Time To Act is the most comprehensive assessment ever of global Mercury emissions and has been released today ahead of final negotiations on new Mercury Treaty - Binding Treaty.

Geneva, January 13-18, Zoï will attend the fifth session of the International Negotiating Committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury (INC5). On this occasion the publication Mercury - Time to Act jointly developed by UNEP, GRID-Arendal and Zoï Environment Network will be launched presenting the issues around mercury in short and punchy facts and figures backed by compelling graphics.

Geneva / Ramallah / Gaza. A new Zoï report reveals in a striking manner the linkages between environment and security in the occupied Palestinian territory. The message is clear: Environmental degradation in Palestine only increases the security risks. Solutions are complex and highly depend on fair and flexible accords between Palestine and Israel, eventually Palestinian independence giving full sovereignty over environmental resources. The authors Mohammad Hassouna and Zoe Sinclair were supported by the Zoï communications team of Carolyne Daniel, Matthias Beilstein and Yann Demont combining up-to-date maps and graphics with photography and artwork. The report will be launched in Palestine in early 2013.

The first ever Dniester river basin - Environmental Atlas has been published by Zoï and Grid Arendal. 

Zoï was present at the official opening of two automated flow stations installed to monitor the water level in the Dniester river, and the water and air temperature. The operation of the stations will facilitate the forecasting of and warning about floods in the upper part of the Dniester river, and will provide timely warnings about expected water levels downstream. Strengthening such capacities in the flood-prone Dniester basin, subject to additional risks to a changing climate, is among key priorities of the project implemented on behalf of ENVSEC by UNECE, UNEP and the OSCE.

zoï@december 2012

Geneva / Ramallah / Gaza. A new Zoï report p/pResponsible Mining style=/p The img alt=Central Asia Geneva, preveals in a striking manner the linkages between environment and security in the occupied Palestinian territory. The message is clear: Environmental degradation in Palestine only increases the security risks. Solutions are complex and highly depend on fair and flexible accords between Palestine and Israel, eventually Palestinian independence giving full sovereignty over environmental resources. The authors Mohammad Hassouna and Zoe Sinclair were supported by the Zoï communications team of Carolyne Daniel, Matthias Beilstein and Yann Demont combining up-to-date maps and graphics with photography and artwork. The report will be launched in Palestine in early 2013.

Espoo, Finland, November 27-28. Hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Zoï and its Finnish and Kyrgyz partners (Gaia, University of Eastern Finland, Kyrgyz Mining Association, Aarhus Center Osh) are launching a toolkit for responsible mining. The objective of the new toolkit is to help the parties involved in mining activities to express their interests and concerns in a constructive way and to identify areas of mutual benefit. This contributes to the prevention or resolution of potentially violent and costly conflicts. The toolkit and associated documents (toolkit companion, mining cartoons, comparative study on legislation, mining regulations, Chatkal report and Mining Toolkit Prezzi) are available on our website.

An updated version of Vital Ozone Graphics 3 - the climate link, a resource kit for journalist jointly developed by the Ozone Secretariat, GRID-Arendal and Zoï Environment Network was launched during the Meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol.

The first ever Dniester river basin - Environmental Atlas has been published by Zoï and Grid Arendal. 

zoï@november 2012

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, November 6. Hosted by the Kyrgyz Ministry of Economy and the State Agency for Geology, Zoï and its Finnish partners (Gaia, University of Eastern Finland) have launched a toolkit for responsible mining. The objective of the new toolkit is to help the parties involved in mining activities to express their interests and concerns in a constructive way and to identify areas of mutual benefit. This contributes to the prevention or resolution of potentially violent and costly conflicts. The toolkit and associated documents (toolkit companion, mining cartoons, comparative study on legislation, mining regulations and Chatkal report) are available on our website.

Geneva, November 13. An updated version of Vital Ozone Graphics 3 - the climate link, a resource kit for journalist jointly developed by the Ozone Secretariat, GRID-Arendal and Zoï Environment Network will be launched during the Meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol.

Freshly published by Zoï Climate Change adaptation in the South Eastern Europe.

Zoï has contributed with analysis, research and maps to the World Bank's report "Eurasian Cities: New Realities along the Silk Road".

Zoï has produced a set of Maps and Graphics illustrating UNEP's Strategic Priorities in Europe and a synthesis document of the Contribution of the United Nations System to the Implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020.

zoï@october 2012

Thanks to our summerworker, more than 1000 zoï maps, graphics and photos are now on-line and downloadable on flickr. This will facilitate search and access in a straightforward and efficient manner. Click on Zoïmages to see the full set!

Responsible Mining: In cooperation with the University of East Finland and the Gaia Group Oy, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland we have developed a toolkit for the prevention and mediation of conflicts in the development of the mining sector. The toolkit published together with a companion "Mining, Development and Environment in Central Asia" and a set of cartoons by Ruslan Valitov, vividly illustrating the issues and dilemmas.

Zoï has contributed with analysis, research and maps to the World Bank's report "Eurasian Cities: New Realities along the Silk Road".

Zoï has produced a set of Maps and Graphics illustrating UNEP's Strategic Priorities in Europe.

Zoï has produced a synthesis document of the Contribution of the United Nations System to the Implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020.

zoï@september 2012

Thanks to our summerworker, more than 1000 zoï maps, graphics and photos are now on-line and downloadable on flickr. This will facilitate search and access in a straightforward and efficient manner. Click on Zoïmages to see the full set!

Responsible Mining Cartoons: In cooperation with the University of East Finland and the Gaia Group Oy Zoï is developing a toolkit for the prevention and mediation of conflicts in the development of the mining sector with focus on Central Asia. The toolkit will be launched later this year, a preview of the hand-drawn cartoons by Ruslan Valitov is available.

Climate in Peril: A Popular Guide to the Latest IPCC Reports is now also available in Russian

zoï@summer 2012

Zoï's Desertification report has been translated into 5 new languages.

Central Asia Mountains - From Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond was launched in the Mountain Pavilion at the "Rio 20" conference in Rio Brazil.

Vital Waste Graphics 3 - summarizing global waste issues in a concise and graphical manner - was launched by Basel Convention Secretariat in the wake of World Environment Day on June 5.

The pocket book West Balkan Environmental Core Set of Indicators has been jointly published by Zoï and the European Environment Agency (EEA). More than 100 professionals from the region have contributed to this unique compilation of data and indicators, thus helping build the indispensable foundations of democracy in a region, which is step by step becoming an integrated part of Europe.

The Zoï Environment Network Annual Report for 2011 has been released.

zoï@june 2012

Central Asia Mountains - From Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond will be featured along with other global and regional reports in the Mountain Pavilion at the Rio+20 conference in Rio, Brazil, taking place June 20-22.

Vital Waste Graphics 3 - summarizing global waste issues in a concise and graphical manner - will be launched by Basel convention secretariat in the wake of World Environment Day on June 5.

Climate Change in the Western Balkans, a visual synthesis report Zoï has produced for the Environment and Security initiative and UNEP, will be launched at the ENVSEC regional meeting for South Eastern Europe taking place in Struga on Lake Ohrid, June 6-8.

The pocket book West Balkan Environmental Core Set of Indicators has been jointly published by Zoï and the European Environment Agency (EEA). More than 100 professionals from the region have contributed to this unique compilation of data and indicators, thus helping build the indispensable foundations of democracy in a region, which is step by step becoming an integrated part of Europe.

The Zoï Environment Network Annual Report for 2011 has just been released.

zoï@may 2012

The Zoï Environment Network Annual Report for 2011 has just been released.

The pocket book West Balkan Environmental Core Set of Indicators has been jointly published by Zoï and the European Environment Agency (EEA). More than 100 professionals from the region have contributed to this unique compilation of data and indicators, thus helping build the indispensable foundations of democracy in a region, which is step by step becoming an integrated part of Europe.

Central Asia Mountains - From Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond will be launched during the conference 'On the road to Rio+20' in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on May 22-23 in the presence of the President and other dignitaries from Kyrgyzstan.

Vital Waste Graphics 3 - summarizing global waste issues in a concise and graphical manner - will be launched by Basel convention secretariat during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum in Geneva, May 14-18.

This year edition of the Climate NeutrZonbsp;al UN booklet, has been published.

Together with our Finnish colleagues from the University of Joensuu and GAIA, Zoï will organize round tables and facilitate master classes on Mining, Environment and Security in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, May 3-4.

25-27 april 2012 Geneva Zoi took an active part in UNECE meeting and task force on the adaptation to climate change in shared water basins. We directly contribute to the studies in the two leading basins: the Dniester shared by Moldova and Ukraine, and the Neman by Belarus, Lithuania and Russia.

zoï@april 2012

A new publication Climate Change in the Southern Caucasus, in the unique Zoï graphical style - featuring collages made by Georgian artist Nina Joerchjan - was produced by our Tbilisi office. The report will be officially be launched in Tbilisi on April 3.

Zoï will be present at the "GIS for the United Nations and the International Community" conference in Geneva, April 3-5, and on this occasion will showcase its first "Touch and Feel" map poster.

The latest addition of our visual syntheses is Biodiversity in Central Asia, featuring the highlights of the region on 84 pages with no less than 81 original maps and graphics and 37 photos. The publication will be launched and disseminated at the UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy meeting in Geneva, April 17-20.

New Zoï analytical and illustrative reports on Egypt and the Nile and Mining in Armenia are available on-line, giving up-to-date information on relevant issues of environment and security.

Climate Change in Eastern Europe is now available in English.

Zoï and GRID-Arendal have published a second edition of the Vital Caspian Graphics, illustrating the rapidly changing environment in the geopolitically sensitive area around the Caspian Sea. 

zoï@march 2012

Zoï explores ways towards a mercury-free future in Kyrgyzstan in the study 'Khaidarkan alternatives'.

Zoï and GRID-Arendal have published a second edition of the Vital Caspian Graphics, illustrating the rapidly changing environment in the geopolitically sensitive area around the Caspian Sea. 

A new publication 'Climate Change in the Southern Caucasus', in the unique Zoï graphical style - featuring collages made by Georgian artist Nina Joerchjan - was produced by our Tbilisi office. The report will be officially be launched in Tbilisi on April 3.

The latest addition of our visual syntheses is 'Biodiversity in Central Asia', featuring the highlights of the region on 84 pages with no less than 81 original maps and graphics and 37 photos.

zoï@february 2012

Zoï and GRID-Arendal have published a second edition of the Vital Caspian Graphics, illustrating the rapidly changing environment in the geopolitically sensitive area around the Caspian Sea. 

The customized Geo Cities manual for the EECCA Region provides Guidelines for Integrated Environmental Assessments of Urban Areas.

A new publication 'Climate Change in the Southern Caucasus', in the unique Zoï graphical style - featuring collages made by Georgian artist Nina Joerchjan - was produced by our Tbilisi office.

The latest addition of our visual syntheses is 'Biodiversity in Central Asia', featuring the highlights of the region on 84 pages with no less than 81 original maps and graphics and 37 photos.

zoï@january 2012

A new publication 'Climate Change in the Southern Caucasus', izopn the unique Zoï graphical style - featuring collages made by Georgian artist Nina Joerchjan - was produced by our Tbilisi office.

The latest addition of our visual syntheses is 'Biodiversity in Central Asia', featuring the highlights of the region on 84 pages with no less than 81 original maps and graphics and 37 photos.

Zoï helped the UN to make its collective report on the Green Economy ("Working towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy. A United Nations System-wide Perspective") visually attractive. It was launched in New York on 15 December 2011.

zoï@december 2011

30 November - 2 December, Kyiv, together with UNECE and OSCE, Zoi facilitates a series of meetings on cooperation in the Dniester river basin, including the development of a basin-wide information system, the analysis and monitoring of impacts of floods and climate change, and communication for people and policy-making.

7 December, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Zoï is co-organizing with the UNECE and GIZ a meeting on water information management and exchange in Central Asia.

12-15 December, Abu Dhabi, Eye on Earth Conference, Zoï will participate, bring loads of hand-made environmental information and and help the European Environmental Agency feature Zoi-authored 'cookbook' for building Shared Environmental Information system in greater Europe".

A new publication 'Climate Change in the Southern Caucasus', in the unique Zoï graphical style - featuring collages made by Georgian artist Nina Joerchjan - was produced by our Tbilisi office.

The latest addition of our visual syntheses is 'Biodiversity in Central Asia', featuring the highlights of the region on 84 pages with no less than 81 original maps and graphics and 37 photos.

zoï@november 2011

Dniester press-tour: In this BBC Radio 4 broadcast on 27th October Alex Kirby recalls his training regional journalists in Ukraine and explains that when something as finite and as crucial as water has to be shared there are always losers. The training was organised by Zoi in July 2011 under the Environment and Security initiative (ENVSEC)
Audio mp3 file
Broadcast transcription

Mercury: Zoï will attend the third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on Mercury (INC3) in Nairobi, from 31 October to 4 November 2011 to further discuss primary mercury production in Khaidarkan, Kyrgyzstan.
Mercury trade in the world - Zoïmap 2011
Khaidarkan Mercury - Poster 2011

Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS): The ENPI-SEIS Steering Committee meeting will take p lace on 24-25 November 2011 in EEA premises in Copenhagen. Zoï was facilitating the SEIS country visits in the East (Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Russia) and contributed to the South (Balkans Indicators, country visit Palestine)

West Balkans: The Environmental Indicators in the West Balkans publication will be launched in Podgorica, Montenegro on 28-29 November.

zoï@october 2011

Mountains: A zoï delegation will participate in the World Mountain Conference (October 10-12). Zoï and the University of Central Asia are producing the report on Central Asia as input to the Rio+20 process.

Desertification: "Global Drylands: A UN System-wide response" will be launched at the UNCCD's COP 10 in Gyeongnam, Korea (October 10-21).

zoï@astana 21-23 September

A Zoï Environment Network will be present at the "Environment for Europe" Ministerial Conference in Astana, assisting in the launch of products and initiatives of the UN, the EU and Switzerland.

On this occasion the following new publications we assisted the production will be launched:



#39;s Strategic Priorities in Europe


hr /a href=/a target=Khaidarkan alternativesa href=


Hand-made environmental reports since 1989